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Another year older, time for reflection

I planned to write on my birthday date or perhaps a couple of days after but I am very late. There were too many things happening and it contributed to a lot of reflection on my state. My boss said it may be mid-life crisis and I think he may be right.

The good thing with the December birthday is that one can have reflection time and plan the new year resolution with more conviction. Many things happened to me and the most significant was the lost of my beloved mother early this year. Work has been interesting and it kept me moving very fast but now it is time to slow down, take a step back and evaluate what I had achieved, cast my vision to what my future holds and start the journey.

I have pretty much figured out what the next couple of years will be and with a couple of my good friends are looking forward to 2020, I am forced to envision my own 2020. I see opportunities, I see hard work and I smell success (Allah willing).

With all the setbacks and growth opportunities in 2017, I not only mature in number but I mature in my mindset too. I have to make tough decisions and tough decisions are to be made.

I look forward to investing more effort on Voiddeck Ventures and I feel we have a good plan to move the company forward in the coming year and even more years ahead. Time to prioritise and diversify my time, money and energy.

To 2018 !!! I look forward to meet you and Alhamdullilah for what I am given in 2017.

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